Dear Jennifer,
We are so grateful to everyone who came together to make our first Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? fundraising event a success! We are close to reaching our $15,000 fundraising goal for the event, with a few gifts we’ve been notified of still on their way.
We had four dinners over the weekend of September 30th and October 1st, with over 100 guests despite the sudden turn in the weather, and raised $14,022 through ticket sales, generous donations, and proceeds from pottery sales by Tamara Harutyunyan. The community really came out in support of our Associates, and in turn everyone attending had a blast. A slideshow featuring all the dinners is now on our Events and Media page here. ​​​​​​​
Each dinner was a party with great entertainment. We had dances from different cultures, rocked out to a live band and even a bit of magic. We couldn’t have done it without the help of our attendees and great supporters listed below.

The money raised from these dinners will go to repairs at The Campbell Center’s three homes and make them more accessible. If you want to help us reach our fundraising goal for the event, you can click the button below to give.
Nancy Niebrugge
Executive Director