The Campbell Center is a special place where adults with intellectual disabilities live life their way! Our programs ensure community integration, supported employment and residential options.

Ensuring Community Integration

woman smiling

The Campbell Center Specialists guide Associates in fully integrating into the community through volunteer opportunities, educational classes and recreational activities aligned with their interests and passions.


a man and woman smiling in a restaurant

We start with a discovery process and match our Associates’ skills and interests with a suitable local job. Our job coaches provide job prep, on-boarding and on-going support to ensure success for both employer and employee.


Associate in a black and white print dress dancing and smiling on a dance floor with other people

Invite a friend or two and come and join us at one of our many events throughout the year. Philanthropy gives much needed support to programming and the participation in these events is extremely important.

Our Program

a older man and woman smiling

Learn more about The Campbell Center by reading the stories of the people we serve and the activities we do. We also have events and trainings throughout the year you can read about by clicking Learn Here.

The Campbell Center in Numbers

Icon representing 200 Associates’ Hours Volunteered Annually
Hours of Community Integration Support
Icon representing 66 years since founded
Years Since Founding
Icon representing 10100 Associates' Hours Worked Annually
Associates’ Hours Worked Annually
Icon representing 23 Local Business Partnerships
Local Business Partnerships
Icon representing 100001 Smiles Per Year
Smiles Per Year
Icon representing 26000 hours of residential support
Hours of Residential Support

Our Mission

The mission of The Campbell Center is to partner with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, empowering them to successfully gain independence and attain their desired outcomes through opportunity and choice.

Why Give to
The Campbell Center?

Our services bring meaning and dignity to our Associates! State and federal funding doesn’t cover our full cost. There is an ever widening gap. It is only through the generosity of donors like you, who believe that our community is enhanced through diversity and that everyone deserves a full and engaging life. We provide the support our Associates need to live and work as full contributors to society. You make the difference!


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Program Updates 2023-2024

In the course of this last two years, The Campbell Center (TCC) has served a total of 73 adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/D), with some overlap between those attending programs and those living in one of our three licensed group homes. Our programs remain focused on providing an environment that fosters independence and...
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Your Gift Now Will Ensure Our Associates Stay Safe this Holiday Season

As we embrace this holiday season, everyone at The Campbell Center sends you warm wishes filled with happiness and joy. We are grateful for your encouragement and support throughout the year as we strive to meet the evolving needs of our Associates—adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In our digital age, we frequently connect with...
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🎨Join Us for a TCC Art Exhibit Reception 1/22/24

Join us for coffee and pastries at the opening reception of “Us Vs. the Climate Change” on Monday, January 22 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am at Adams Square Mini-Park in Glendale. Come meet the artists and learn more about what inspired this very special installation conceived and created by TCC’s Associates. RSVP to Program Director, Adela Garcia, at by January 19....
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TCC Associates Give Back to Santa

It was merry and bright at The Campbell Center as Santa flew over in a helicopter and then rolled up with his helpful Elf and nearly a dozen officers in a SWAT vehicle! The Glendale Police Officer Association, (GPOA) throw a holiday party for our Associates every year, but this year was extra special- this year...
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